Add Metabox To Any Post Type

So you want to up your game and add a little bit of complexity to your post or custom post type perhaps. Meta boxes might be one of the things that you are looking for.

Lets start by creating a hook to the add_meta_boxes action.

//add the action
add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'custom_meta_boxes', 10, 2 );

Then create the callback function of the action, this is where you can check the current post-type and decide what to do. The defaults are post and page.

function custom_meta_boxes($post_type, $post){
    if($post_type == '{post-type}'){
        //now we create the meta box and add a callback function to render
        add_meta_box( 'my-meta-box',
                      'Meta Box Title',
                      'render_meta_box', //<-- callback function

Lastly you need to render the content of the meta box

//this will be called to render the meta box
function render_meta_box($post){
    //render the meta box here

Amiel Simbahon

Amiel Simbahon
Software Maker

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