Option Page for your Plugin or Theme

How to add option page to your plugin or theme.

add_action('admin_menu', 'my_option_page');

function my_option_page(){
        'Option Page Title',
        'Menu Title',
        'publish_pages', //Capability
        'menu-slug-for-page', //this is the link identifier
        'render_option_page', //the callback function for rendering
        'dashicons-lightbulb', //Menu Icon
        62 //Menu Position
         'menu-slug-for-page', //link identifier of your main menu
         'Sub Page Title',
         'Submenu Title',
         'publish_pages', //Capability

//Render your Option Page
function render_option_page(){
    //do what you want here or include another php file
    include 'myoption-form.php';

function render_sub_page(){
   //do what you want here or include another php file

To be able to keep the setting of your plugin or theme in the database you will need to register your settings.

add_action( 'admin_init', 'register_my_setting' );

function register_my_setting() {
        'my_options_group', //Option Group Name
        'my_option_name', //The Option Name itself
        'sanitize_values' //optional callback to sanitize the values

Once you have successfully registered your setting, now it can be used in the option page your theme or plugin. Continuing with our example function render_option_page(). //myoption-form.php

       //initialy you get all the options so that you
       //will be able to use it in the form
      $options = get_option( 'my_option_name' );  
<form action='options.php' method='post' role='form'>
      //initiate the registered settings
      //basically tell WordPress to save the data
      //under the 'my_options_group'
      settings_fields( 'my_options_group' );
      do_settings_sections( 'my_options_group' );
<!-- I use array name "my_option_name[some-setting]" for the field -->
<input type="text" name="my_option_name[copyright-text]" value="<?php echo $options['copyright-text']; ?>" />

<!-- Use WordPress' default submit button -->
<?php submit_button(); ?>

Reference for Capabilities: https://codex.wordpress.org/Roles_and_Capabilities Default Icon Reference: https://developer.wordpress.org/resource/dashicons Default Menu Structure Position:

  • 2 – Dashboard
  • 4 – Separator
  • 5 – Posts
  • 10 – Media
  • 15 – Links
  • 20 – Pages
  • 25 – Comments
  • 59 – Separator
  • 60 – Appearance
  • 65 – Plugins
  • 70 – Users
  • 75 – Tools
  • 80 – Settings
  • 99 – Separator

Amiel Simbahon

Amiel Simbahon
Software Maker

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