Add Mime Types In Wordpress

If you are having trouble uploading a specific file with wordpress. Chances are they file type might not be allowed. However there is always a way to tell wordpress to recognize the file type. You can add the following code to your theme's function.php
Bacon Ipsum
Image source: dargadgetz

Bacon ipsum dolor amet strip steak chuck andouille turducken, meatloaf ham hock ground round salami pork belly beef. Ribeye tongue sirloin chicken pancetta. Kielbasa chuck tongue bacon landjaeger pork filet mignon andouille pork loin corned beef turducken pastrami frankfurter cow t-bone. Hamburger chuck cupim, capicola turducken jowl ribeye tenderloin meatball beef ribs frankfurter.

Strip steak prosciutto drumstick venison, pastrami ribeye filet mignon andouille frankfurter doner meatball corned beef pork chop brisket porchetta. Spare ribs pig alcatra pork loin pork belly pork pastrami rump biltong. Frankfurter cow meatball pork chop shoulder tongue ribeye capicola sausage kielbasa boudin kevin. Doner bacon corned beef turducken, tongue capicola chicken pork belly prosciutto strip steak tri-tip. Kevin turducken spare ribs ham, rump tail andouille cow tri-tip.

Code Snippets

Syntax highlighting via Pygments

#container {
  float: left;
  margin: 0 -240px 0 0;
  width: 100%;

Non Pygments code example

<div id="awesome">
    <p>This is great isn't it?</p>